Part time jobs in Australia for international students in Sydney
Postgraduate Studies Australia or higher education for international students can do part-time employment while pursuing their higher education in Australia. These part time jobs can help students in meeting up living expenses to some extent as well as a real time working experience can also be gained from these part-time jobs. Students studying in Australia are allowed to work at least 20 hrs / week and unlimited number of hours during their semester vacations. To get into these kinds of jobs, a student must have a valid student visa.
A student can work in retail sector, hospital, hotels, cafes, bars, hospitality industry etc., Apart from these, students get a chance to do their internships which could be either be paid or unpaid. Through these internship programs students get exposure in a real time work environment.
Postgraduate Studies Australia or higher education the part-time jobs can be found via numerous avenues in Australia. The job announcements are usually made through the daily newspaper and are also posted on job portals on the internet. There are some occasions where the university itself provides some part-time job information on the campus notice boards, in this case the student needs to contact the university staff for further details. Most of the campus recruitment by the companies happen from here itself. Moreover there are also few recruitment agencies where students register for short term jobs or part-time jobs.
Part-time work is not difficult to find, however, there is a tough competition for it. Hence it is really imperative that new students quickly increase their contacts in the new country through meeting new people on forums, public places, libraries, hobby classes etc., They might have to personally visit some agencies arranging part-time jobs in order to drop in their job requirements along with their resumes. Students having good communication skill and proficient command of English language will find more success in getting a job. The minimum wage for part-time jobs in Australia is around AUD 12.00 to AUD 14.00 per hour.
To get a part time job, a student has to open an Australian bank account so that the employers can deposit the earnings directly in their account. However, sometimes the employers might pay in cash also. In this scenario, the student has to ask for a pay slip or pay stub from their employer. Students have to apply for Tax File Number (TFN) from the Australian Taxation Office and file their tax returns. This step ensures future job opportunities for the student and will also help them while applying for their Permanent Residence Visa.
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