Part Time Jobs in USA – Part Time Jobs in America for Students
Why study in USA? USA Universities offering masters in Engineering Management USA. Part-time jobs are available for international students who are pursuing their higher degree programs in USA. These jobs helps student to pay their bills or to fund themselves if they exceeds their fixed student budget. Students can find the part-time jobs at either on-campus or off-campus. Sometimes the university itself offers them part-time job else they can find one themselves outside the campus.
The on-campus job is any work the student takes up within the particular university campus while living on a student visa (F1 Visa). A student who is enrolled in a full time course can work at library, labs, cafeteria, bookstore etc., Under the F1 visa, a student is allowed to work for 20 hrs / week and the pay will be around $7-$10 / hour and sometimes they could be paid more than this amount. An off-campus job is the work a student takes up outside the university campus which is however not advisable. Compared to on-campus job the pay per hour for off-campus is higher. International students after completion of their degree can work off-campus, provided they enroll themselves for the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program along with valid F1 visa.
In order to get better part-time jobs in USA, a student needs to highlight their individual skills and strengths on their resume in addition to a good academic score during their undergraduate studies. Sometimes a previous work experience also plays a vital role in getting some part-time jobs. These part-time jobs are more flexible, as students can work at leisurely shifts and as their courses timings permits. Students can take up longer work in the form of internships during their semester breaks. If a student shows good performance in these internships, they more likely to secure a permanent position with the company they interned.
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